Monday, July 28, 2008

Day 2 & 3

Yesterday was a nightmare. Was scheduled for an 8:15 am appointment for day 2 bloodwork. I made it downtown fine, but they were having some sort of "fun run" or something, so every block was closed. I was freaking out cause I was lost & had no where to park. I was an emotional wreck. I finally gave up, called the dr. & asked if I could come in on day 3. Thankfully it was ok. My appointment was at 9:45 this morning, but I got there at 9. I was hoping they would let me sit in the waiting room for awhile, but nope, they called me right back, & a minute later I was done. My appointment was so quick that I didn't even get charged for my parking! Too bad all my appointments weren't like that! Seems crazy to drive all that way for bloodwork, but it is all for a good cause I suppose. So, since I had the bloodwork done today, I began the birthcontrol. Everything is falling into place now it seems. Friday I go in for my S.I.S test. A bit nervous about that. You know it must be uncomfortable if they require you to take an ibeprofen a half hour before. Just hope I will be ok enough to get back to work without anyone knowing. Can't believe how fast this is all going. Unreal. Now all that is left is to sign up for our shots class. Hopefully we can do it while Jason is on vacation in the beginning of August. I've heard it is a lot of info, so we shall see.

1 comment:

Christia said...

Wow girl! It's really happening. I am praying for you and thinking about you a lot! I hope you don't mind that I'm stalking your blog!