Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Good, The Bad

My bloodwork from Wednesday came back. The good news is no gestational diabetes for me! The bad? My iron is dangerously low. Supposed to measure between 12-16 & mine is 8.5! Not good at all. Now I am on 3 iron supplements a day & you know that means also TONS OF FIBER! That part is not so fun, but not much I can do. They are trying to pump up my numbers before the babes come in a couple months. Hopefully this does the trick because I don't want any complications.

I've had to start a new "position" at work. Because getting around has become harder/painful, the dr. has left it up to me when to stop working, but wanted me to at least cut my hours or stop moving around so much. I talked to my wonderful boss, who I think is trying to hold onto me as long as she can, & created a new job for me. No longer in the teller window, now I post express box & work on various projects that Linda finds for me to do. I only work from 12:30-6:30, so the time really does go by fast. Not sure yet if it will help with my achiness. I had it yesterday & I didn't move much. Think there is no other way around it. I am just going to ache. I am giving myself until my next dr. appt. in 3 weeks & see how I am, but my dr. doesn't feel I will make it that much longer at work. Makes me sad in a way & I am not ready for all this change. One thing at a time please.

Babies have been very active. Has to be one of the best feelings in the world to feel them kick/punch. But not while I am trying to sleep. That has been their new thing. And I don't eat anything sugary before bed. Think they just think that because I am up going to the bathroom, that means it is ok for them to wake up. Stinkers. Look forward to my next ultrasoun in 2 weeks. Can't wait to see how much they've changed & to make sure Baby A is really a boy. She struggled a bit to see his "goods", so I wanna make sure it is all still the same. There was no doubt about Baby B, he was very proud of what he had going on!

Thank goodness for 3 day weekends! I can rest up & spread out all the stuff I need to get done, instead of rushing around trying to finish things. And then paying for it later. I am excited to meet up with my sis-n-law to work on the baby shower. Interested to see what all she has planned. Should be fun.

1 comment:

Christia said...

Did you have your ultrasound again?