Tuesday, January 13, 2009

BIG ultrasound

Our ultrasound went really good on Monday. Couldn't believe that they measure EVERY inch of those 2 babies. They are both doing great, very active little turkeys. Baby A is head down at the moment & Baby B is head-up, but kinda to the side. Explains the little twinges I get in my side! Baby B was very much the camera hog, everytime the poor u/s tech tried to get just an image of Baby A, Baby B would stick his foot or hand or head right in the way. I think that one is going to be our little trouble maker! But it really was great to see them moving around. Baby A was difficult to tell the sex at first, so it was off to Baby B. Once she moved the little wand over, Baby B was not shy about a thing.... He is a boy & is sooo proud of it! :) After taking his measurments, the u/s tech tried again to tell the sex of Baby A, she is pretty sure it is also a boy. Hopefully it stays the same whenever I go in for my next u/s. I like saying, "my boys". :)
It was such a huge relief to know they are both doing great. Baby A is 12oz. Baby is 13oz. Can't believe it! They actually look like little babies now, not some strange creatures.

We are going to register tomorrow, so I am excited for that. Their nursery is nearly done... just little odds & ends we need now. Can't get over how fast this is all going. But it is so exciting.

1 comment:

Christia said...

Oh! You need to please post pictures of your nursery! PLEASE!