Sunday, August 17, 2008

1st Shot

This morning was my first injection of Lupron. I've been pretty o.k this past week about giving this shot because the needle is pretty small. I watched my little video to refresh my memory a bit about what I was supposed to do. Got all my stuff together that I needed. Alcohol swabs, needle, Lupron, & my dosage sheet. I must have stared at my little "how-to" sheet that came with the medicine for a long time. I began to psyche myself out about it a bit. But there was just no other way around it. I told myself, that there are lots of other women out there who can do this & they are just fine, so I can do it too. I took a deep breath, pinched some fat on my tummy, & slid the needle in. Hardly even felt it. Once the needle was out, I started to shake. I am sure just out of sheer disbelief that I, who is not a fan of needles, just put one in my tummy!! I called Jason, who was out getting us our Sunday breakfast to tell him I did it. I think even he was shocked that I did it. But probably relieved that I didn't have to have him do it. He saw me getting all the stuff together before he left, made a strange face & took off. Hopefully that isn't a sign that the shots I need him to help me with because of their location, will be tough for him to do. It was all funny before but now that it is happening, the reality has set in a bit with him. Hopefully he can keep it together. I am proud of myself. Never in a million years did I think I had it in me to do something like this.

1 comment:

Christia said...

Amy I'm so proud of you!! I hope that things continue to go well, and you continue to surprise yourself. HUGS!