Saturday, August 30, 2008

Mad Scientist

I did it!!!! Mixed my Menopur ( with the help of a you-tube video) & injected it. Piece of cake! Did my Follistum w/ the pen thanks to the handy video they gave us at injections class. That one is pretty easy. The Menopur will be o.k once I get the hang of it. Thankfully they give you a Q-Cap, that makes it easier transfering the solution over to the powder to mix it. It stung a bit afterwords, but other than that, it was o.k. My poor tummy is a pin-cushion. It is getting difficult remembering which side I injected. Never thought I would ever say this, but thank god for my "pouch" under my belly-button. Swear that makes all the difference. :) Figured I better update tonight because I got lots of stuff to do tomorrow. It is almost 11:30pm now, not really tired, probably not going to sleep much since Jason isn't here. Not used to it. Come to think of it, this is my first time alone in this big house! Scary! Just wanted to update on my progress again. Going to go get ready for bed & finish reading "breaking dawn". Won't update until Tuesday, that is my first appt. after stims.........

1 comment:

Christia said...

OH MY GOSH! You're reading Breaking Dawn! I finished it in like a day! I'm SO happy that things are progressing so quickly for you! I can't wait to hear how things are going!