Sunday, September 28, 2008

Blood # 3

Well, my blood work from today is 1695!! It went from 809 on Friday to 1695 today. So that is pretty good. I've run out of the progesterone shot that I have been doing every morning, so tomorrow I have to go to the Dr. for them to give it to me. Jason gets a day off! :) Then we will move onto the transition, so I won't have another shot until the 3rd of October of the new progesterone ( the one that stings like a motha' ) & I think I will only do that once a week until November 7th. That won't be so bad. Our first ultrasound will be on October 8th. I am excited, yet nervous. I hope that everything goes good with them & there are no problems. One day at a time, though, right?
I spent all of yesterday in Vancouver w/ my grandma. She is out of ICU & in her own private room. She didn't have any need for any more blood transfusions yesterday & so far today. So she is getting better. She has her appetite back & she was getting kind of feisty! She just needs to rest. She still has a long way to go still, but she is slowly improving, so that is all we can hope for now. They are trying to find a different blood-thinner to put her on, otherwise there might be more problems later on. She is a little fighter, so thank heavens for that!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

AMY!! Yay for your numbers doubling! Doing EXACTLY what they're supposed to! So glad about your grandma! Hugs! Can't wait for your ultrasound!!